Monday, July 27, 2009

I´m not really a morning person

When I first found out I was nominated for a Latin American country, I was stoked! Night life! Yeah! Finally, I´d be somewhere where they stayed up as late as I like to and sleep in. I remember both Spain and Argentina the night life didn´t begin until around midnight. Well, it´s not the case in El Salvador.

I wake up every morning well before 7:00 o´clock, here. It´s not so much that I want to get up early, but I have no choice. Yesterday, Sunday, I wanted to sleep in because I had nothing to do and suddenly the entire house was alive and the TV was going loud at about 6:00. That´s the way it goes, here, and I´m starting to get used to it.

I also did my laundry, yesterday, after getting out of bed at 6:15. I had it all washed by hand by 8:00 am. I can´t recall a time I was ever that productive by 8:00 in the U.S., unless I had something special to do - like go on a trip, or something. However, I am starting to get used to going to sleep by 9:00p and levitating by 6:00a.

I have fried plantains a couple times a week for breakfast, usually accompanied with red beans ran through a blender and salt. Yes, salt. It´s almost like a side dish here, they use so much of it. I´ve bought some cerial and soy milk - yes, they have soy milk... Silk - and I get in one or two bowls per week.

I´m in San Vicente much of this week, until submersion days starting Thursday. We´re going to go stay with another volunteer for a couple of days in co´s (his or her) site. It´ll be a great opportunity for me to see what it´ll kinda be like. I must admit that it´s up and down, right now. Probably because I´m still a little in U.S. mode.

There is a volcono near me - Volcano Chichontepeque. I´ve read a person can hire police from a neighboring town as an escort to the top. A group of us want to go up, it´s just a matter of getting the time and organizing the small adventure. They have some of the only remaining old growth cloud forest left in El Salvador near the top. I´d love to get a taste for what this place used to be like before 98% of the trees were chopped.

I find I´m tired most all the time. I´m not sure if it´s from the heat, trying to learn the language, or what. I hope I´m not getting sick. Many of the volunteer trainees have become ill with a bacteria or an amebia infestation. They have medicine, but once infected the person basically expells everything out both ends for a couple days.

I´m in an internet cafe and I think I got one that´s used for couples who want a private place to go for a couple minutes. I can hear the people next to me kissing. My teacher told us about these places, but it looks like I picked the wrong one. Ooops.

Anyways, I´ll get some pics up soon and I´ll also make a video of where I´m living and get it posted, soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow- sounds like quite an adventure so far. What exactly will you be doing there? Will you be staying with the same family? It's interesting to hear about the meals and the washing, and I'd love to see photos of the house. Take care :)

    -Nichole Ashworth Beddes
